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Using PIC16F887 microcontroller to control 8 single leds on and off using timer interrupt T1

Requirements: Use a PIC16F887 microcontroller to control 8 single leds on and off using the timer interrupt T1 with a delay period of 262ms.  Circuit diagram on Proteus simulation software  Figure 1. Controlling 8 LEDs to turn on and off using interrupts Main program : File: main.c ___________________ #INCLUDE <16F887.H> #FUSES NOWDT,PUT,HS,NOPROTECT,NOLVP #USE DELAY(CLOCK=20M) UNSIGNED INT8 X; #int_timer1 void interrupt_timer1() {    X=~X;    OUTPUT_D(X); } VOID MAIN() {     SET_TRIS_D(0x00); X=0X00; OUTPUT_D(X);    SETUP_TIMER_1(T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_8);    SET_TIMER1(0);    ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(GLOBAL); ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INT_TIMER1);    WHILE(TRUE) {} } ___________________ Link download:

Use PWM of PIC 16F887 to control 1 led

Requirements: Use PWM of PIC 16F887 to control 1 led. Let the frequency of the quartz capacitor be 20MHz. Given a PWM period of 0.8ms. Let's calculate the parameters and write a program to control the led light with level 1 equal to 1 tenth of the maximum brightness.   Circuit diagram on Proteus simulation software: Figure 1. The control circuit changes the light intensity of the lamp using PWM Main program : File: main.c ___________________ #INCLUDE <16F887.H> #FUSES NOWDT,PUT,HS,NOPROTECT,NOLVP #USE DELAY(CLOCK=20M) UNSIGNED INT16 BIEN_TOC_DO; VOID MAIN() {    SET_TRIS_C(0X00);    SETUP_CCP1(CCP_PWM);    SETUP_TIMER_2(T2_DIV_BY_16,249,1);    BIEN_TOC_DO=500;    SET_PWM1_DUTY(BIEN_TOC_DO);    WHILE(TRUE){} } ___________________ Link download:

Use the ADC of the PIC 16F887 microcontroller and the LM35 sensor to measure the temperature and display it on 3 led 7 segments common anode

Requirements: Use the ADC of the PIC16F887 microcontroller and the LM35 sensor to measure the temperature displayed on 3 led 7 segments common anode using 3 ports, only displaying units, tens and hundreds. Use a reference voltage source VREF+ connected to VDD with 5V and VREF- connected to a VSS source of 0V  Circuit diagram on Proteus simulation software Figure 1. Circuit diagram for measuring temperature using PIC16F887 displayed on 3 leds directly Main program : File: main.c ___________________ #INCLUDE<TV_16F887.C> UNSIGNED INT16 KQADC; UNSIGNED INT J,MATRAM; VOID HIEN_THI() {    MATRAM = MA7DOAN[KQADC/100];    IF (MATRAM == 0XC0) MATRAM=0XFF;    OUTPUT_B(MA7DOAN[KQADC%10]);    OUTPUT_D(MA7DOAN[KQADC/10%10]);    OUTPUT_C(MATRAM); } VOID MAIN() {    SET_TRIS_B(0x00); SET_TRIS_D(0x00);    SET_TRIS_C(0x00); SET_TRIS_A(0xFF);    SETUP_ADC(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_2);    SETUP_ADC_PORTS(SAN0);    SET_ADC_CHANNEL(0);    WHILE(TRUE)    {       KQADC=0;       FOR (J=0; J<200; J++)       {  

Using 16F887 microcontroller to count external pulses using T0, the counting results are displayed on 3 leds directly connected to 3 ports

Requirements: Using microcontroller 16F887 to count external pulses using T0, counting results displayed on 3 leds directly connected to 3 ports, counting limit from 000 to 255, when equal to 255, return to 0  Circuit diagram on Proteus simulation software: Figure 1. Counting external pulses using counter T0 Main program : Use PIC16F887 to count external pulses using T0.c ________________ #INCLUDE<TV_16F887.C> UNSIGNED INT8 T0, MATRAM, MACHUC; VOID MAIN() {    SET_TRIS_B(0x00); SET_TRIS_C(0x00); SET_TRIS_D(0x00);    SETUP_TIMER_0(T0_EXT_L_TO_H | T0_DIV_1);    SET_TIMER0(0);    WHILE(TRUE)    {       T0=GET_TIMER0();       MATRAM=MA7DOAN[T0/100]; MACHUC=MA7DOAN[T0/10%10];       IF (MATRAM==0XC0)       {          MATRAM=0XFF;          IF (MACHUC==0XC0) MACHUC=0XFF;       }       OUTPUT_B(MA7DOAN[T0%10]);       OUTPUT_D(MACHUC);       OUTPUT_C(MATRAM);    } } ________________ TV_16F887.c Library: TV_16F887.c ________________ #INCLUDE <16F887.H> #FUSES NOWDT,PUT,HS,NOPROTECT,NO

Using microcontroller PIC 16F887 to control 8 single leds on and off using timer T1 with period delay is 2s, 1 second on, 1 second off

Circuit diagram Interface PIC16F887 microcontroller with LED on Proteus software:  Figure 1. PIC16F887 microcontroller interface with LED Main program : Control 8 single leds on and off using timer T1.c __________________ #INCLUDE <16F887.H> #FUSES NOWDT,PUT,HS,NOPROTECT,NOLVP #USE DELAY(CLOCK=20M) #BIT TMR1IF = 0x0C.0 UNSIGNED INT8 X, BDT; VOID MAIN() {    SET_TRIS_D(0x00); X=0; BDT=0; OUTPUT_D(X);    SETUP_TIMER_1(T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_8);    SET_TIMER1(3036);    WHILE(TRUE)    {       IF (TMR1IF==1)       {          TMR1IF=0; SET_TIMER1(3036); BDT++;          IF (BDT ==10)          {             OUTPUT_D(X); X=~X; BDT = 0;          }       }    } } __________________ Link download:

Program to display 2 rows of information using PIC16F887 microcontroller interface with LCD 16x2

Circuit diagram Interface PIC16F887 microcontroller with LCD on Proteus software : Figure 1. PIC16F887 microcontroller interface with LCD

Bài 6: Dùng vi điều khiển 16F887 giao tiếp với 8 led đơn và 2 nút nhấn ON, OFF. Khi cấp điện thì 8 led tắt, khi nhấn ON thì 8 led sáng, khi nhấn OFF thì 8 led tắt.

  Hình 1: Sơ đồ mạch dùng vi điều khiển 16F887 giao tiếp với 8 led đơn và 2 nút nhấn ON, OFF Chương trình:                                                                    #INCLUDE <16F887.H> #FUSES NOWDT,PUT,HS,NOPROTECT,NOLVP #USE DELAY(CLOCK=20M) #DEFINE ON PIN_E0 #DEFINE OFF PIN_E1 VOID MAIN() {     SET_TRIS_E(0xFF);    SET_TRIS_D(0x00); OUTPUT_D(0X00);    WHILE(TRUE)    {       WHILE (INPUT(ON));          OUTPUT_D(0XFF);       WHILE (INPUT(OFF));          OUTPUT_D(0X00);    } }                                                                   Link download chương trình mô phỏng (Code và Proteus):