Requirements: Use a PIC16F887 microcontroller to control 8 single leds on and off using the timer interrupt T1 with a delay period of 262ms. Circuit diagram on Proteus simulation software Figure 1. Controlling 8 LEDs to turn on and off using interrupts Main program : File: main.c ___________________ #INCLUDE <16F887.H> #FUSES NOWDT,PUT,HS,NOPROTECT,NOLVP #USE DELAY(CLOCK=20M) UNSIGNED INT8 X; #int_timer1 void interrupt_timer1() { X=~X; OUTPUT_D(X); } VOID MAIN() { SET_TRIS_D(0x00); X=0X00; OUTPUT_D(X); SETUP_TIMER_1(T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_8); SET_TIMER1(0); ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(GLOBAL); ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INT_TIMER1); WHILE(TRUE) {} } ___________________ Link download: